Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Snow Day Craziness!

Hello my students and followers,

This week we have been filled with Snow-Days which means we are going to have a lot of catching up to do when we get back.  Just remember to review your inference information and your new prefixes if you can remember them.  We will continue working with Prefixes and Inference Making whenever we get back to school.  Stay safe and warm!

Here is a funny video for you to enjoy:

Miss Cannon

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Inference Making

Hello Hello,

It has been forever since I last posted, but I am still here!  It has just gotten extremely busy in my classroom.  We had just finished Main Idea and moved right along into making Inferences.  We did many activities throughout the week but I started off with notes.  Here is the note sheet and the Prezi.

After the note taking we moved on to doing an inference video with Defective Detective.

Here is the video:

All throughout the week we practiced different ways to make inferences.  We used videos, passages, pictures, and next week will dive into poetry.  Here is a link to a few of the resources I used for the week.

Inference Picture Prezi:

Inference Video Prezi & Worksheet:

For the worksheet I only used the second page and I made it the same front and back.

My students also took their Unit Exam on Poetry & Figurative Language.  I hope that this caught you up.  This week we will keep working with Inference, Context Clues, Making Conclusion, Making Predictions, and deciphering the text.

Have a great week.

Miss Cannon

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Monday & Tuesday


I am so sorry that I am a day behind.  It has been busy with interims coming out.  Yesterday the students and I did review activities.  A few of my classes needed to have a quick review on Poetry so we played Jeopardy and did station rotation work.  Tomorrow (Wednesday) they are retesting.  Here is the link to the Jeopardy Quiz:

Station: #1

Station: #2

Was a word sort.

Station: #3

Flash Cards

Station: #4

Hang Man Review Game

The students all seemed to enjoy the activities.  Today, we continued with Main Idea/Non-Fiction.  I did a review with an awesome PowerPoint.


Then I had my students pick one of the science magazines that I had out, select an article, draw a graphic organizer, and then they had to find the main idea.  They filled out the entire chart while highlighting and noting important things from the article.  They then flipped their papers and did a summary of what the article was about.

Overall the day was successful. Have a great night!

Miss Cannon